Monday, December 10, 2012

Keep Your Website Secured

When you start an online business, you need something more than just a website with goods and services. If you plan to sell merchandise on your website, it's your duty to see that the transaction is done safely. When customers use their credit cards or any mode of payment, they are always worried about the security. As the owner of the website, you have to make your customers feel safe and secure. Getting SSL is very important. It will help you appear trust worthy and protect your customers. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an encryption technology that was created by Netscape. It is a type of protocol that helps to protect online transactions. You get a security certificate known as SSL certificate. It preserves the authenticity of your website. Internet security is an issue of worry these days. It is therefore important to take all safety measure to secure your website.

Socket Secure Layer helps to protect the personal payment information that customers enter on your website. When the customer enters information for payment, it is sent over the internet to be approved by the bank. It is possible for the information to leak during the transaction. Credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers are used every day over internet. It raises the risk of identity theft. The SSL certificates are issued from certificate authority. Certificate authorities are entities which issues digital certificates to organizations or people after validating them. Vrisign and Thawte are two such CAs. There are special types of SSL certificates. AlphaSSL Wildcard or Wildcard SSL certificate secures an unlimited number of first level sub domains on a single domain name.

The number of internet crime is increasing day by day. Most internet shoppers want to know that their information is safe. If their money is stolen or they become the prey of identity theft, then the website owner may have to blunt the blame. As customers, people want to know that the website owner values their privacy and their security. As a website owner you have to make sure that their trust remains intact on you. If your website consists of SSL certificate, the customers will feel secure and won't worry about internet security. It will ensure the customers that you send encrypted information through secure sockets layer (SSL); it will make them more comfortable to shop on your website. Secure sockets layer also verifies your identity. Many scam artist set up websites that look legitimate, but they are not. These websites steal information when the potential customers try to make payments.

With the help of SSL certificate your website is verified as secure. It is a relief for you as well as your customers. You can either buy these SSL certificates online or purchase them from certificate authorities. There are many websites that provide you with the variety of such certificates. It is more cost effective to buy them online.

The Internet Security Task Force   Threats Prevented By Firewall Software   Six Signs Indicating That Your Computer Has Been Hijacked   Security Risks in the Age of Social Media   

The Role of Technology in Shipping

Technology has had a significant impact in all of our lives for some time now, but the impact of technology on the shipping industry has been even more profound, particularly with the increased availability of said technologies at a decreased cost. The added benefits of these technologies have been felt by both the shipping industry and their clients.

GPS technology isn't new, not even in personal vehicles, but the use of it in shipping has found a new way to take advantage of the technology that benefits the companies involved beyond just giving directions to make sure that the drivers don't get lost or can at least avoid traffic.

Shipments can now be tracked in real time not just by the company that owns the truck, train, or ship, but by the company that owns the freight as well. This is a popular feature for clients that ship a lot of freight as they can ensure not only that their freight is on the way to the correct location, but also allows them to know accurately when the shipments will arrive, allowing for more accurate logistical planning.

In addition to tracking the location of shipments, technology now allows the freight to quickly and accurately be scanned at each location on the trip, helping to ensure accurate counts on product numbers that helps cut down on losses, perceived and real, to the client. This helps cut down on costs which can then be passed on their customers. Through the use of scanner technology, the freight is quickly shipped and electronically compared to a spreadsheet of what was scanned when it was put on the truck. By making sure that at each stop both the driver and the client know what is on the truck eliminates any issues arising from human error miscounts that can cost both the shipping company and the company that owns the freight money.

Technology is not only helping the shipping industry to run more efficiently, but also allowing their clients to save money by maximizing the time the products are available to their customers while minimizing their own travel and loss costs. This means that thanks to technology, everybody wins. As the technologies used in shipping continue to evolve, the hope is that the process will continue to be streamlined, allowing for more savings to all of the companies that can eventually be passed on to their customers.

The Best Selling Item On eBay!   How To Sell on Craigslist for Newbies - 6 Expert Tips   Great Drop Shipping Tips   Is It Still Possible To Make Money On eBay?   How To Make Money With Storage Unit Auctions And eBay   

The Best Selling Item On eBay!

What is the best selling item on eBay you ask?

I'm not going to play you out with lame ideas for eBay businesses that don't work, or tell you to go out and research everything yourself. Nope, not here! All you need to know right now is that sunglasses are an easy money machine selling in eBay. Even with summer ending soon, sunglasses remain popular year round. I know you've probably seen a lot of articles like these throughout the years, but this isn't your typical fake out. I'm going to tell you everything that I've done (recently) this past summer to buy a car, get my own place, and conquer eBay.

When people ask me "what is the best thing to sell on eBay", I usually don't tell them. I've decided to spill the beans on here now because I have moved on from eBay, and have started my own company. Why waste good advice when I can offer you (the people) great eBay tips for selling and the ability to make money?

So here's what you do. Create an eBay account. If you don't have one already it's easy so I won't explain it here. Now while creating your eBay account think of a business name you want to go by. Something catchy like shademebaby or whatever. It's not a big deal if you don't like it, because eBay lets you change your name after a month anyway. Also, most customers on eBay don't care about your name and won't repeat shop with you anyway.

Now I'm going to give you an eBayer ID I want you to look at, and copy as much as possible. They sell the most sunglasses on eBay, and are good at it. They sell like 10,000 pairs of sunglasses on eBay a month. The name is "SHARPKO". Search for it on eBay and check out how he sells sunglasses, and see what his listings look like. This is going to come into play later when I tell you how to create your listings effectively.

Some other notes about your eBay account you should take into consideration is the following: setup your paypal account and link it to eBay. You're going to need to create an eBay store at some point so look into that. It costs 16.00 a month.Don't buy it yet though. If you're not familiar with your eBay account you should be by now.

The next obvious step we have to take is to look for inventory to sell. Well, instead of sending you off and wishing you good luck on your search I'm going to provide a link to the best sunglasses wholesaler out there right now. Olympic Eyewear has the best quality sunglasses out of any other wholesaler website out there. Trust me, I went through this process already so I know first hand. If you want to search for your own wholesaler feel free. Simply type in wholesale sunglasses on Google and you'll find plenty. Be warned though, other quality of sunglasses out there suck balls.

So now that you're at Olympic eyewear's website we need to focus on 3 brands. The DG sunglasses, XLoop sunglasses, and Aviators. These are the three most popular brands of sunglasses on eBay. Don't bother with most of the other brands unless you see something you really like. Now depending on how much money you have, will depend on how much stock you buy. The average cost is around $30 a dozen per box. But, wait! Guess what? You can sell your sunglasses without buying them first. Here's how...

Pick a group of 5-10 sunglass styles you like. Now right-click and save the images for the sunglasses. Now when you go and create listings on eBay, just use the stock images the website provides and "act" like you already have the sunglasses. Now, when you start selling them you can use the money other people pay you and use that to buy your inventory. Since Olympic Eyewear accepts paypal it makes it even easier. Words of caution are not going to sell all 12 pairs of a certain style before you have to purchase them. So you're going to have to pay some of it. Also, look at Olympic eyewears shipping times and see how long it's going to take to arrive to your house. You don't want to keep your eBay customers waiting or they will leave you negative feedback and ruin your eBay account. It took like 4 or 5 business days to reach me. As soon as they came to my house I shipped them out and it was never a problem.

Of course that is the risky way to do business. The proper way would be to pick 5-10 styles and purchase them upfront. Don't worry you will sell them eventually. A word of advice is not to go overboard on the styles you choose. Stick with 5 to 10 styles of the brands I mentioned above. If you discover a certain style sells a lot, I recommend buying multiple dozens. The only flaw has is that their sunglasses sell FAST. They run out of stock quickly, so if you find a good seller buy as much as you can afford. It sucks when you sell out of a style and go to purchase more and they have run me I've been there multiple times.

Oh, one more note. Try to purchase in bulk. If you only buy one or two dozen at a time you're going to get killed with the shipping costs. The best way to do it is find what sunglasses sell first, and then spend over $500 on an order at a time. I frequently spent over 1k on sunglasses. The positives to this are that you don't have to worry about stock for awhile, and olympiceyewear offers discounts the more you buy. I think I saved like 10% on my order for spending over a thousand dollars, so that paid for the shipping costs right there.

Now that you have your sunglasses picked out and ready to sell, you have to find shipping supplies! Forgot about those didn't ya? Don't worry I have the hookup. Purchase your tape from Walmart. You're going to need a lot of it so buy 3-4 rolls at a time. Also, I recommend buying "stuffing" for your boxes so that the sunglasses are more secure. It's not necessary but I found that the customers liked it better this way.

It doesn't matter what sunglasses you buy, they all fit into 6x3x3 shaped boxes. I scoured the internet for the cheapest box prices and formed a relationship with mobe packaging you can find here. I know there website looks a little bad, but the prices are great and shipping is SUPER fast. I received my boxes within 2 days every time! Here is the exact page to get the boxes. I always bought white corrugated boxes because I thought they looked better, but you can get brown if you prefer. They are pretty much the same price. So for 50 boxes it costs 9.75, and the shipping is also a great deal. Make sure you select the FedEx option for shipping. I would recommend buying at least 100 boxes to start.

Okay, now that you have the shipping supplies and sunglasses it's time to start listing them on eBay. I hope you know HTML/CSS because it makes it a lot easier to create listings on eBay that look good. If you don't, no worries. I'll post the outline that I used to list my sunglasses. I'm not expert in this area, so feel free to design your own outline. Think of eBay listings as a one-page advertisement for your product. Did you look at SHARPKO eBay profile yet and his listings? You want your listings to look like his.

Anything that looks like the above example is what we are aiming for. It doesn't have to be exactly the same. For more ideas look at other eBay'ers selling sunglasses and what their listings look like. Make sure though that you come up with an outline you like, and use it for all of your listings! You want all your listings to be identical except for the sunglass images. It makes it a lot easier for you and your potential customers to identify you and organize your listings. When you have over 1000 listings up at a time, you want to make it as easy as possible for you to make changes.

Designing an outline is going to take a day or two. It's probably one of the biggest details you have to pay attention to. It's not as easy as slapping up an image with a simple description anymore. If you need help designing an outline there are a few programs and websites out there to help you. Simply type in eBay outlines or designs on Google, or search eBays forums for help and advice. If you know someone who can design a sweet outline for you, then you'll have a huge advantage over the competition.

Okay, so now that you have your stock, shipping supplies, and listing outlines ready to go, it's time to post them for the world to buy. The single, most important aspect of selling on eBay is your posting strategy. Here are some questions you need to take into consideration before posting anything. How much are you selling for? How many listings are you going to have? Are you going to sell auction or fixed price format? What days and times should you post your listings? How many days should your listings run for? How much should you charge for shipping and handling? etc.etc.

I can't answer all of these for you, but I'll focus on the more important ones in this article. Shipping costs. I know exactly how much it costs to ship sunglasses, and lucky for you, I'm nice enough to share it with the world. Sunglasses (including the box) weigh around 4 ounces. Sometimes you'll have them weigh a little over that depending on if the sunglasses are heavy, but no worries. You are going to ship via the USPS (regular post office). Each box going out anywhere in the USA is going to cost you a little less then $2.00. Packages leaving the US are around $4 depending on exactly where. All you need to know is how much the box weighs because you're going to be printing all your shipping labels from home.

Before all of this though, you need to decide how much to charge customers for shipping. I recommend charging more then the actual cost. People don't know how much it costs for you to ship so take advantage. I was charging 2.99 per package, and 4.99 for international. I made an extra dollar every time. Some people charge more, some people charge less. Play around with whatever works for you. You also have to take into consideration the price you charge for the product vs the price for shipping. If your selling sunglasses for 6.99, you can get away with charging more for shipping. If you sell for 9.99 a pair, you probably want to charge only 1.99 shipping. It's all relative. Find your sweet spot.

If you're not familiar with printing your own shipping labels, it's really easy. Make sure you have a printer. It can be any old printer, nothing special. If you're shipping a lot of sunglasses though, you're going to need to buy ink a lot. After someone makes a purchase from you on eBay, you go to it and find the link that says print shipping label. Fill out whatever information it asks for, and it will create a label for you that you print. Since you know the sunglass packages weigh 4oz, the label will automatically calculate the cost. After you print the label, cut it down to size, and tape it to your box. Now you can walk right into your post office, and drop the boxes off without waiting in line. It was funny walking in the post office when there was a long line, walking past everyone, and setting my boxes on the counter and walking away. Oh, and you pay for the shipping labels through your PayPal account so its really easy. They just deduct the cost right from there for you.

How much to sell for? This question is really up to you. Like I talked about with the shipping costs, you have to find what people are comfortable paying for. I will tell you that people prefer a lower overall price vs the higher one (obviously). I charged 7.99-8.99 per pair with 2.99 shipping and it worked great. You may want to charge 9.99 w/1.99 s&h or even higher then that. I will also tell you that the eBay average selling price is 10 bucks for a pair of the sunglasses you're selling. So work with that and develop a winning price strategy.

Remember, selling sunglasses is about VOLUME! You're going to be making around 4-5 dollars per profit per pair. The more you sell, the more money you make. Since they are so easy to sell, it shouldn't be hard for you to grow into a power seller.

How many listings should you have? My advice is A LOT. As many as you can afford. The more listings you have up, the better chance you have of selling something and attracting attention to your store. It's a numbers game, and if you want to compete you're going to have to put up big numbers. It's okay if you start small though. Focus on growing your inventory so that you have at least 200-300 listings up at one given time. I know a lot of sellers that have 1k+ listings going at once, and I know that SHARPKO usually has between 4-5k listings rotating around the clock. Think more listings = more exposure = more customers = more money!

How should I list my items? This is the big question you need to answer. Will you sell auction style or fixed priced? Well before you can answer that question you need to see how many items you have available to sell? You see the problem lies in how eBay lets you create listings. You can't post duplicate items when you sell via the fixed price format. So every fixed price listing has to be a different color sunglasses. eBay will remove duplicates real fast. Auction style listings though let you create as many duplicate listings you want. So it would make more sense to sell auction style then right?

Well, yes and no. Auction style lets you reach the front page, sell duplicates, and more. However, auction style costs more overall. Its 25c to post an auction style listing. If you purchase the basic store, and post a fixed price listing, it's only 20c. However, the big difference is fixed price listings can be set to the "good till' cancelled" duration. Auction listings can only be set to 7 days max. Huge difference here.

If I have 200 pairs of sunglasses and decide to list them at fixed price it's only going to cost me $40 a month, plus the selling fee. If i take those same 200 sunglasses and list them auction style its going to cost $50+selling fee, and only last 7 days until I have to repay another $50 to list them again. The fees will begin adding up really fast. Yes, you will sell more using the auction style because you'll receive more exposure, but in the end, eBay fees will kill you.

The best method I found to work is this. List all of your sunglasses via the fixed price method and set the duration to "good til' cancelled". Also list the quantity to more then 1 (even if you only have 1 of them, you can buy more). This way, your listings never end and you won't be paying crazy fees. You can test the auction style waters if you'd like, but be warned, the fees do add up fast.

What times/days should I create listings? It really doesn't matter what day you have your listings end for. You would think that the weekends would be a good time right? Well, after months of thinking that, I came to find that I sold more on Mondays or Tuesdays then the weekends usually. With that said, Saturday still seems like the best day to have your listings end. There are programs on eBay that can give you information on how many people are searching for your listings and things like that. You can use those to your advantage since most of them are free. One of the eBay apps I used was outright. It shows you how much money your making vs spending. It's a great tool to see if what you're doing is working or not.

Make sure when you create listings that you spread the time out a little. Don't have all your listings end at the same time. I would use a timer (you can Google timer), and set the timer to 2-3 minutes at a time, and every time the timer goes off post one of the listings. If you're going to use the fixed price format, it really doesn't matter because they run for a month. Setting your listings by time is a strategy you should use when listing by auction format because it makes sure you have listings on the front page of eBay every time someone searches for the word sunglasses. This helps get your listings more exposure, which leads to more bids.

Well, that's all I got for now. There's a lot more I could probably go into, and I might in a future article, but my fingers hurt right now - Thanks for reading and I hope you can make as much money as I was selling sunglasses this past year! It's really not that hard, trust me.

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How To - Protect Your Address From Email Spiders

E-mail spiders have become a full-blown epidemic (er... infestation?) on the web, crawling sites and collecting email addresses for evil spammers. Fortunately there are a number of ways you can protect yourself.

The number one thing you can do to prevent your address from being harvested is to not provide it to your visitors at all. Unfortunately, this isn't practical for most people. Visitors generally feel a site is more reputable if contact information has been provided.

If you feel you must provide your email address to visitors, here are a few methods to secure your address, as well as a few methods to avoid.

Protect Your Email with These Methods: Use a contact form:

Arguably, the most secure option is to use a contact form to allow visitors to get in touch with you. There are a number of plugins for WordPress, Blogger, and virtually every other blogging platform that allow you to use a contact form in place of your email address.

One of the best, most robust, and most configurable contact forms available is cFormsII by deliciousdays. It's highly configurable, and therefore not the most simple to install, but it's still pretty easy (and it works on WordPress 2.5.1 - I'm using it for this site). TIP: Just make sure that after you install the plugin you perform a hard-refresh to clear your browser's cache (Ctrl+F5). Otherwise the cfII Icon won't show up in the TinyMCE editor window inside WordPress. Use an Image:

Create an image of your email address. If you want the text format and size to match exactly, type your email address out like normal, take a Print Screen of the address, and then paste the screen shot into any image editing software (even Paint will do). Crop out the address, save the cropped address as an image (gif, jpg, whatever), and insert the image in place of the original text version of the email address. (Note, don't make the image link to your email using the mailto: functionality, doing so would defeat your intent.)

One downside to this method is that your readers might find it annoying that your address isn't clickable (they will have to hand-type the address into their email client - Oh, the horror!). All kidding aside, this method is also problematic for visually impaired readers who rely on text-to-speech software to read webpages (your image won't be read aloud to the visitor since it's an image - but you could type "you at gmail dot com" as the alternate text for the image).

Another variation of this method is to use a tiny image of the @ sign in place of the text @ sign. This is a faster method if you list several email address on your site (since making images of each email address would be very time consuming).

Again, this is a quick way to employ the image method for multiple addresses

Use a plugin:

If you're a WordPress user a handy plugins have been written to prevent email spiders from harvesting your address. A quick Google search will reveal several appropriate plugins for your blogging platform.

Mask the address with JavaScript:

There are several sites that allow you to input your address and click a button to generate HTML or Java code that you can post directly into your website or blog. Google "email munging", or "email obfuscating" to find these useful sites.

Avoid these traditional / old methods: "mailto:"

Don't use the traditional (aka old) "a href="mailto:" method of pointing to your email address. Using this method enables email spiders to quickly and easily locate and exploit your email address.

"& # 6 4 ;"

Using special HTML characters in place of the @ sign is no longer an effective way to prevent an address from being harvested. You used to be able to prevent spiders from "seeing" your address by using "& # 6 4 ;" in place of the @ sign. Spiders are now sophisticated enough that you& # 6 4 ; is no different to the spider than (note, I've inserted spaces between the &, #, 6, 4, and ; because WordPress is sophisticated enough to replace the un-spaced version with the @ sign as soon as I save the post - if you were to employ this method you wouldn't use spaces between the & # 6 4 ; characters).

One last thing, if you've got an email box that fills with spam already, have you tried to Google your email address? You may find your address cropping up on numerous webpages. If you have control over the content of those pages, remove the address immediately. If you aren't the admin for the webpage(s), try to contact the webmaster to see if he/she can remove the email address for you.

I had posted my email address in a book review I did for Amazon back in the early 90's before spam was an issue. I'd completely forgotten that I'd listed my email in that review. Several years later email spiders became prominent and the inbox associated with that address started getting clogged with spam emails. Unfortunately for me I can't remove the email address from the review, so that address will forever be inundated with spam. But if you find your address popping up in Google, perhaps you can take steps to remove your email from whatever page(s) it shows up on. Just a tip!

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How to Make Extra Money Using Podcasting

According to Edison Media Research, 18% Americans download and listen to podcasting. If you're passionate about a topic you can use podcasting as an opportunity to make some extra money or use it as a second income. Some podcasters work full time creating and promoting their podcasts and generate enough income without a 9-5 job.

What is a podcast? A podcast is a series of audio or video files released episodically. People who are interested in your topic will download these files to listen to using an mp3 player or watch the video files in their media player.

What can you do with podcasting? To give you a few examples, using podcasting, you can do product reviews, interviews with your peers, express your ideas and trends on a topic, give your opinion, promote a cause, and more. What you can do with podcasting is limited to your imagination only. Nobody is looking over your shoulder and telling you what to say and not to say. You have the ultimate control of your podcasting contents.

With the falling price of electronics gadgets, you can buy all the basic equipment, like a good microphone and software, needed to start podcasting for under a few hundred dollars assuming you already have a laptop or desktop. You can also use excellent open source software for free.

How do you make money with podcasting? Here are five ways you generate some dough using your podcasting talent.

You can build sponsorships just like radio advertising. There are sponsors for all kinds of topics. Check out companies involved in radio advertising related to your topic and approach them for sponsorship of your podcast.

Charge a fee for your podcast. If you're creating premium contents with lots of value for the target audience, you can charge a fee to listen to or watch your podcast. Take some premium, teaser contents and give them away for free. When your audience finds the value of your contents, they will be willing to pay a fee for the full content.

Join a network that pays for your podcasting. There are companies that will put your podcast in front of a large audience and these companies will pay for your contents. Some of the networks are PodTrac, Mevio, Wizard Media. These companies will find matches for your content to targeted audience and they will share advertising fees with you.

If everything else fails, you can always beg just like NPR. Ask for pledges and donations by appealing to the generous hearts of people who love to listen to your podcasts. Explain that you're spending a lot of time and you need pay the bills. You can use PayPal donation button and it will be easier for others to you by clicking a button.

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Protecting What's Important To You By Using Surveillance Cameras


Most of you would probably ask yourself "why should I invest on surveillance home cameras?" Some of you might even be wondering why you will need one at home. But the truth is in this day and age where crime is quite rampant; nobody is safe even if he or she lives in an exclusive neighbourhood. If you want only the best protection for you, your family and your valuables, then investing on surveillance cams for the home is the way to go.

As a homeowner, I am sure you want only the best protection as much as possible for you and your family. Instead of using outdated means of security for your home, you need to invest on Video surveillance cameras because they are very reliable. Furthermore, these are the only types of security devices that stay on whenever you need it. They can record anything it has seen and allows you to view the videos live or at a later time. Some varieties of Surveillance Cameras are even equipped with super zoom functions which allow capturing images in good detail. Some cameras are even capable of recording sound besides videos.


Although there are a lot of Surveillance Cameras available on the market, there is only one type of camera that will suit your needs best. But, with so many choices offered out there, how do you find the one that will suit your needs and preferences? Some helpful tips are provided below:


Surveillance wireless cameras are the best types of cameras to use if you want user-friendly and reliable camera systems. Wireless home surveillance cams are easy to set-up and install and they continue to work even during blackouts and power interruptions. They are cheaper than the wired varieties as well.


If you are planning to monitor certain areas of your home in a discreet manner, then use hidden surveillance cams. A hidden surveillance cam system is perfect if you want to keep track of activities done by your children, spouse or hired help such as babysitters and gardeners. In the event that a hidden camera is not available for use, then use small surveillance cams as an alternative.


Outdoor surveillance cams are very effective in keeping burglars and criminals off your property. The moment they see a camera outside your home, they'll think twice about breaking inside.

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Top Reasons Why You Should Add Audio Streaming To Your Website And Explode Your Profits

I am sure that if you have been getting look warm results with your website or you significantly want to improve your results you need to start thinking of using audio on your website. The main reason for this is that it usually converts much better with it.

So for example if you are a business selling products online then you need to implement this as soon as possible. You can review the product that you are selling emphasizing the benefits, you can let customers who have been successful using the product give testimonials as this will get rid of any skepticism or alternatively you can deliver a personal message that will build a bond with your visitor.

Here are some interesting statistics for you to digest. I recently added a testimonial to my website and improved the conversion from my squeeze page by about thirty percent. Just imagine over a long period of time what this will do to my bottom line. So by adding audio to your website you will distinguish yourself from the other websites online making a very good impression on your visitor. You may know how to create a website with html. It will take a little extra work to add the audio files, but will be well worth the effort.

Here are the steps that you can use to add audio to your website. Make a recording of the audio that you want to put on your website. For example this could be a testimonial. You then need to convert the into the right format for example mp3 file using a commercial program. Finally, this will give you the code to insert into your web page and you only need to upload your web page using ftp with the audio button to your site.

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Here's Your Chance to Learn How to Download Music Legally

Unless you live in a cave, you are fully aware of the growing popularity of downloading music on to your computer. It is now so mainstream that people ranging from teenagers to senior citizens own IPods. All of those people share one small issue with downloading music, however. Where can you legally download music without getting in any legal trouble and without paying an arm and leg for?

There are a few major vendors, such as iTunes and Napster, which offer catalogs of more than a million tracks, while some artists and bands are now selling songs directly from their own websites. Don't expect to find full albums to download; only some "teasers" intended to get you to buy that artist's new CD.

Here are a few ways you can get started downloading all of your favorite songs easier and worry free.

There is a big difference between streaming music and downloading music. Streaming is when the music plays live as you're connected to the Internet. Downloading is copying music directly to your computer's hard disk. You can listen to downloaded music anytime you feel like it since it's saved to your computer, burn it on to a CD or transfer it to your IPod. Streaming music on the other hand lets you only listen to music if you are online. No matter how you choose to get your online music, you are going to need the correct software to do it. More than likely, your computer came pre-installed with at least one media player that will work to stream music. If you don't have one or looking to go with a different one try installing for free players such as RealOne, Winamp, Windows Media Player, or iTunes. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of different music websites available for any type of music choice you want to listen to. Browse around for a few that play music you enjoy. The most popular music download store is ITunes but there are other sites such as Limewire,,, and Pay attention for finding individual songs that you are interested in. Even though a music download site has songs available from your favorite band, it does not mean that all of their songs will be. You run the risk of signing up for a website downloading service just to find out that they don't have any of the songs you want to hear. Look on the artist's or band's official Web site. There are often time when bands try to promote new songs or albums by allowing their fans to freely download songs just for becoming a member of their site. If you're looking to simply listen to music while sitting if your office or at work, many radio stations now broadcast music through streaming it from their website for free. Best Audiostreaming - Tips to Make More Money with Audiostreaming   How to Record Digital Audio From VHS Tape for Transcription   Simple Audio Secrets - Setting Up Your Home Audio Production Studio   Quick Audio Streaming - 5 Easy Steps to Utilize Audio Streaming   

Characteristics Of A Good SEO Professional

It is an evident fact that the world of the internet is the largest place for business today. A lot of business people today are opting to operate online because there are just so many opportunities that they can get with it. First of all, many people are going online everyday. Some people could not even survive their days without logging into the internet. This makes online businesses gain more chances of having more clients and possible income. Online marketing is also very common these days. Businesses that operate online will definitely need to have an online marketing scheme to make sure that they will be able to get visitors to their website and have income as well.

One of the most effective online marketing techniques used by many online businesses is SEO or search engine optimization. This is the method of getting higher rankings in the search engine by attracting more visitors for the website. This can be performed by an SEO professional especially if the business owner is not really knowledgeable with doing SEO methods. It is very important that one knows how to find the right professional for this job to be sure to get results.

A good SEO professional should be able to check and perform all possible SEO methods for a certain website. They should be able to determine which methods would work well or not. Checking on all of the links and the performance of the website and SEO are just a few of the roles of the professional.

You should look for a professional who can easily grasp all the details that you want and need for your business. He or she should be able to suggest possible actions that will be better for the business. They should also be able to know a certain strategy to use for a particular business for it to attract more traffic back to the website.

The SEO professional should also be creative enough to do some adjustments in case a certain method or technique is not working too well. They should also be able to establish connection better the products, business or information to the readers, visitors and possible customers.

And lastly, look for a professional who is updated with the latest techniques used in performing SEO. Every now and then, there are new techniques that are coming up to make SEO more effective and reliable. The one you hire should be able to suggest new techniques for your business and can be sure that it will bring in good results.

A professional is very important for people who are not familiar with the ways and methods of optimization. By hiring them for your business, you can keep up with the competition among other online businesses that has the same field as your business. By hiring them, you can be sure that you will not be left behind in the competition and will definitely make good income for your business.

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Fix The Cracks In That Nest Egg

The sands of time flow swiftly through the hourglass, and no matter how young you are or feel, before you know it, retirement will be upon you. Will you be ready? I know it can be tempting to put off planning for your golden years, but the choices you make today will have a dramatic effect on the quality of life you can live in retirement.

Hands down, the easiest and most effective thing you can do to build a comfortable retirement is to maximize the benefits of your 401K. Most companies offer some degree of company match for 401k contributions. For many companies that amount is set at $.50 per dollar for the first 4% of salary contributed. Folks, this is free money! By taking advantage of it you are giving yourself an immediate 2% raise. I don't know about you, but in my opinion, turning up your nose at free cash is insane. So step one is: make sure you are enrolled in your company's 401k, and you are contributing the maximum allowable for the matching funds.

The next important step is: diversify your 401k investments. Diversification protects you from large losses, and allows you to benefit from the ups and downs of different sectors and investment types. Failing to diversify was the major mistake made by employees at Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and other victims of the corporate corruption of the early part of this century. The employees at these companies often put the majority of their money into their company stock. This was not a safe plan. When their companies collapsed, they lost their jobs, and they lost their retirements almost overnight. If they had spread out their retirement funds, they would have at least been left with a good portion of their retirement savings to lean on.

So how should you diversify your 401k retirement funds to protect yourself? Well, first things first, avoid the mistakes made by the unfortunate folks we just discussed. In my opinion, put no more than 25% of your 401k funds into the stock of the company you work for. That is the most. I actually recommend putting in less, around 15%. Second, go for fixed income. Fixed income funds, which often have names like "Total Return" are a safer, steadier investment, that will grow over time. They also provide regular income to your account that can then be reinvested in other investment types. They will avoid the highs and lows often seen by stock investments, and protect your retirement from being subject to a sudden market drop near the beginning of your retirement. I currently recommend putting around 40% of your retirement funds in secure fixed income instruments.

After building a solid foundation of fixed income, and limited company stock, you want to continue the diversification of your investments. The next key building block would be a S&P Index Fund. Pretty much every company's 401k will have this as an option. For those who are unaware, this type of index fund tracks the movements of the S & P Index (which is made up of the 500 largest companies in the US). By owning this type of index you have instant diversification and exposure to the largest and most profitable companies in the country. If the economy as a whole is doing well, your index will also likely do well. If one sector of the overall economy is struggling, you will not suffer because you are diversified. I recommend investing between 25% and 35% in this type of fund.

Finally spread the remainder of your funds between the other available investment types, always choosing the option with the best five and 10 year returns. I would recommend investing some money in a mid-cap fund (a mutual fund specializing in investing in mid-sized companies), an international fund (to benefit from fast growing emerging markets) and maybe a managed fund or two. A new option is "target date" funds that do most of the diversification for you, and adjust the risk profile as you move closer to retirement. All of these options will fill out your portfolio diversification and help build towards a safer retirement.

Remember, the most important safeguard is research. Look at your options. Find the investments that are the most consistent, and continue to research them as you own them. Also, know your risk tolerance. If you are more risk-averse, then put more of your money in safer vehicles like fixed income. I don't recommend going for a more aggressive portfolio in your 401k. This is your safety net. If you want to swing for the fences, do that in a trading account that you are not relying on for your retirement. Make your 401k the base of a strong retirement plan that will also feature a Roth IRA, bonds and other assets. But get started now.

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Corruption Destroying India's Progress

Whenever an index for most corrupt countries in the world is made, India is right there among the top five. It is a chronically corrupt nation. When the British ruled India, bribery was given the name bakshish, which is difficult to transliterate in English, but the general meaning is tipping, or giving a person something which he is not legally entitled to, but which the giver gives after being happily satisfied for services rendered. In that period, petty government officials got work done in anticipation of receiving bakshish.

While bakshish was given after one got the work done, bribery is often given before hand, to entice the receiver in doing the giver's work. It has now become a matter of right in most government departments, with even fixed rates in some places, where no work is done without greasing palms. It can be for anything like getting illegal work done; or getting work done out of turn; or getting work done by bending the rules; or for information from which the receiver will benefit but the giver is not officially entitled to give him. This list is only indicative and not exhaustive. Bribery in India takes bizarre forms.

While India is now in the grip of disclosures of huge scams where people have been alleged to have received unimaginable sums of money that has caused the national exchequer unheard of losses, bribery is a cancer spreading from grassroots level that is eating away at the vitals of the nation. A lowly peon will not move your file from one officer's table to the other if he is not bribed. Your pension will not be sanctioned if you do not bribe the officer authorized to do so. The list is endless. It is also not limited to government departments. Private business also has its share of corrupt officers and practices.

It is very easy to point fingers at the bureaucrats, but it is the common man, people like you and me, who bribe them that are equally responsible. When faced with an official who demands a bribe to get work done, we always seek the easy way out. We bribe him or her and get the work done. We do not lodge a complaint against him. We not trap him by informing the concerned vigilance department. Then, our thinking is like; let me first get my work done. But when Anna Hazare starts a movement against corruption, we are the first to join it. If we have heard the story of who would cast the first stone, we choose to be ignorant of it when we egg on Anna.

Like every other transaction, bribery is also between two persons. One is the taker and the other is the giver. One cannot exist without the other. Hence, both are equally guilty. Why should we pay the government officer to get our work done? Doesn't he receive salary, which any way comes from the taxes we pay? How many of us think like that? Going by the statistics of complaints lodged, not even one in one hundred thousand do so. That is why our nation gets scams like 2G spectrum.

There are enough laws to punish the guilty. There are enough laws, also, to punish the corrupt from committing the crime. In the rare case when an offended citizen reports to vigilance, officers are known to have been caught red-handed with bribe money. But many citizens do not report due to fear of reprisal. Hence, the government should seriously look into enacting a strong whistle blowers protection law, as Team Anna is demanding.

A Lok Pal may be effective in curbing corruption in high places. But it would be disastrous to burden him with everything like the lower bureaucracy and the lower judiciary. We do not need a Super Cop. We already have bodies in place that can effectively redress citizen grievance. Admitted they are rusted due to non-use. It is required that the public be made aware of them and they are staffed with good people.That, coupled with a strong whistle blower's protection law, would perhaps reduce corruption at lower level. I say perhaps because, in the end, the common man would need to have the spine to stand up to the corrupt.

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Top 5 Reasons to Play Cornhole

One of the simplest games ever invented is the cornhole game, also known as the bean bag toss game or baggo. Though origin of this amusement activity is still unknown, it has been around and played by many for several years already. While many men and women have a lot of choices these days and prefer playing video games and other modern pastimes, cornhole could still be considered as an excellent alternative. The younger generation and people who have not encountered this game may ask why this game is so special. Here are the top 5 reasons why:

Easy to Learn - The rules of cornhole is very easy that children would find it very easy to learn how to play. In order to win the game, a player must acquire the most points after a few rounds of throwing bean bags towards a platform with a hole on top of it. Players take turn in throwing 4 bags toward the hole. Whoever makes the bag pass through the hole in the platform gets three points while managing to drop it on top of the platform earns a player a point.

Can be Played in Various Places - This is basically a lawn game but could also be played in any open field with a flat ground. Unlike basketball, volleyball, and other sports activities, you won't need to have a court or a playground specifically built to play it. It can be played in your backyard, in a children's playground near you, or even in basketball courts.

Inexpensive Type of Game - Materials used for the game are a couple of platforms and at least 4 bean bags. Those materials are available at a very cheap price in various game stores in malls as well as online shops. You can even build your own platform using a piece of wood and sew fabric to create all weather cornhole bags by following simple do-it-yourself instructions available on the internet. There could be other materials used aside from those mentioned but are only optional.

No Special Skills Required - As long as you are able to throw a small bean bag for a few feet, you are already good to go. You do not need to have a high vertical leap, have great physique, or to practice for a long time to be good at playing this game. This is the main reason why both the young and the old can play it without having a hard time. A few minutes of trial game could even make you very competitive in playing it.

A Very Fun Game - Despite the fact that it is an old game and very basic, it does not mean that those who play it won't have a lot of fun. People have enjoyed playing it in the past and will still have a great time playing it now. You can play it with your spouse, kids, parents, or friends and have a great time doing so. This is the main reason why cornhole is a wonderful game to play.

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Get Yourself Protected Against Uncertainty - Get Umbrella Insurance

An Umbrella provides protection against rain or sun light. The term Umbrella Insurance has the same concept and thus it is self explanatory. Umbrella Insurance is a policy, which is a bit different from other regular insurance policies. A person pays some extra amount of money to get this insurance product to protect him against uncertain event, which may arise without any prior notification. An uncertain event is usually taken as something, which gives an eventual stress and pressure on the mind of the person going through the situation. The importance of protection from these uncertain events is well known by a person, who has been into it previously but for those who have their luck protecting them up till today, they must not wait a day more and should get an Umbrella over their heads to protect them.

Umbrella Insurance works in a peculiar way. When a regular liability policy refuses to give the coverage against a claim, Umbrella makes the entry and covers the exceeding amount. For instance, if a person has been facing a lawsuit and his liability policy's limit is already exhausted, he could use his umbrella to protect him further.

Umbrella Insurance Policy covers all other policies, which comes under its shadow such as auto insurance and homeowner's insurance. It also provides coverage for claims those may be excluded by other regular liability policies.

A person is always unaware, when he is going to be hit by a car from behind, a flood, an earthquake etc. A person can face lawsuits for a bad thing happened with and than he is required to pay regular visits to the court for hearing. Going ahead, he is left crying with empty pockets and a long way yet to go for those hearings. So, it is far better to play safe before the safety option goes far away.

As the awareness has already been created regarding insurance policies and the benefits those policies provide to an individual or businesses; there is still some awareness required to make the benefits of umbrella insurance prominent. This policy is not only for a person with great wealth but for everyone, who can afford it, when putting it on the first priority. It is a must and cannot be ignored. After all, if a product can provide peace of mind then no price is big enough. If you think, you need that extra bit of cover, then go and buy it.

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Dominoes Rules

It is so much fun to play dominoes. This game has been around for centuries and has been played by generations and generations of kids and kids at heart. Who would fail to remember spending their afternoons playing dominoes with siblings, cousins, parents or playmates? It is an absolute classic game we are all fond of. In fact, this game is already a part of every major culture in the world.

According to history, the game of dominoes may have started from China during the 12th century. However, there are artifacts that point its origin to Egypt and to the Mediterranean. Either way, this game first became popular in Italy during the 18th century. It became immensely popular all over Europe and the world.

As of today, there are quite a few versions of this game. And every version has its own little twist as according to the country it has originated from. Each of these dominoes rules depends according to the place of origin.

Learning About the Game Pieces of Dominoes Roles

It is not difficult to learn what are dominoes rules if you know its primary components. You need to learn how the tiles work individually and altogether.

Basically, a domino is a small tile of about 2 inch long, 1 inch wide, and 3/8 thick. Each tile represents two dice. The tile is referred to as the 'bone'. The most popular set of domino is the double-six.

Tiles are named after the number of dots on each end. The lower number is usually listed first. For example, a tile with 3 on one end and 6 on the other end is called as "3 - 6". Those tiles with the same number on both ends are called "double". So if you have a tile with numbers "5 - 5", it is called "double-five". The heaviest value is double-six and the lightest is the double-blank.

In the game rules, tiles with the same number on ends belong to the same "suit". There are 7 suits with 7 members each.

General Draw Dominoes Rules

There are several versions of games: block, Mexican train dominoes, memory game, and etc. The most common domino game is draw. The rules in this game are very easy to play. In fact, it is the most popular game. So, if you hear somebody inviting you to play dominoes, he is probably inviting you to play draw.

The rules for this game are simple. The game starts by shuffling the tiles on the table. Place the tiles face-down and mix them with your hands.

If there are 2 players, each player should select 7 domino tiles. If there are 3 or 4 players, each should select 5 tiles. Place the tiles in front of you where you can see them. But make sure you keep them well hidden from your opponent. The player with the highest double starts the game.

The next player to the left must place a matching domino next to the first tile. If the first player started with a double-six, you should play the tile with a 6 on it. Otherwise, you have to draw from the boneyard (pile of unselected dominoes) until you get a playable piece. You must pass your turn if you are unable to find a piece to match the tile. The player who runs out of dominoes first wins the round.

Now that we've covered the basics of dominoes rules, have fun and enjoy a wonderful game with your family and friends!

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